New Zealand
Association for
Environmental Education


To provide a network and framework to promote environmental education initiatives in New Zealand; and to encourage and promote environmental education training for formal and informal sectors.

Who's involved

Teachers, Government Agencies such as Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Education, City Councils, Colleges of Education, Universities, Regional Councils, and Environmental Education Centres from around the country.


The association has been based in one region (Auckland 1989-94 and Christchurch 1982-89 and from 1995) and has acted on behalf of all member groups. Regional networks of the association (the NZAEE) are being established. It is proposed to have a revolving executive that is based in a different region every few years.

Our Main Focus

1. Networking

Provide an environmental education network - with a newsletter and plan.
Establish and strengthen environmental education networks nationally and internationally.
Encourage specific groups to become involved in environmental education.


2. A National Framework for Environmental Education

Promote the development of national guidelines for environmental education.
Support the inclusion of environmental issues in education (policies and curricula).
Support and inclusion of education in, about,and for the environment in environmental policies (at central, regional and local government levels).


3. Promoting Environmental Education Initiatives

Support and promote environmental education initiatives in formal and informal sectors.
Host a national/international environmental education conference this decade.
Promote the co-ordination of organisations involved with environmental education.
Involve the media in coverage of environmental education activities.


4. Professional Development

Promote environmental education training for the formal and informal sectors.
Run workshops, seminars and meetings on environmental education.
Provide information about training available locally and nationally.


To obtain membership form and further information contact:

NZAEE Canterbury Branch
PO Box 2657

Phone (03) 379 2257
Fax (03) 379 2250
